Inspirations And Life Lessons with Hugette Montesinos-Rodriguez
This beautiful woman shines every colour of the rainbow and is a walking inspiration in every manner. The lovely Hugette Montesinos-Rodriguez is the Editor in Chief and Creative Director for the amazing Disfunkshion Magazine, whilst also being a trained life coach and college professor. Adventure seems to be her middle name as she thrives on experiencing and taking in all the wonders of the world with her dear husband.
She loves to see the best in others and wants greatness for all who live on earth. She is a true inspiration and has such a wonderful story to share.
Soul Sister Circle chats to Hugette about life behind the pages of Disfunkshion Magazine, her many travels and inspirations, and the life lessons which have helped her get to where she is today.
SSC: So lets begin with a little bit about you. How would you describe yourself in a sentence? What gets you up in the morning? What do you love to do for yourself outside of your job?
Hugette: I would describe myself as a perpetual optimist who never stops dreaming and doesn’t quite believe in the impossible. What gets me up in the morning is a strong sense of purpose in my existence. I believe that I have so much to give and so many people to serve!
I truly LOVE being there for others, listening, advising and troubleshooting. Outside of the work that I do, I enjoy live performances such as plays, live music, etc. I love surfing, reading, cooking gourmet style meals, spending quality time with loved ones and creating art. One my FAVORITE things to do though is to travel! It’s literally one of those top priority things in my life. I’d rather travel than buy “things”. My husband and I are widely adventurous and love culture, unexplored places, reggae music and comedies!
SSC: We would all love to hear about your journey to launching Disfunkshion Magazine; where the idea came from, how you got there and what is has been like being the editor of such an inspiring and enlightening magazine?
Hugette: Well Disfunkshion started as a dream while I was beginning a masters program in Spanish literature. I had worked for numerous magazines and learned the ins and outs of what I did and didn’t feel inspired by. Essentially I wanted to create a magazine that included all of my creative interest while serving a greater purpose. That purpose…. Exhorting women to a higher standard of living that would propel today’s gal to dig deeper, find herself, love herself, live in gratitude, protect others, love and focus on the eternal.
It’s always been the grassroots because I didn’t really have any funds or investment to put upfront. So I partnered with a like-minded TV producer in Hawaii that believed in the magazine and helped me get on my feet with this dream by lending me the initial startup funds that I eventually paid back and am forever grateful for this angel!
SSC: “We don’t sell perfection. We restore functional perception” – Explain to us this motto and why it is such an important drive behind what you do?
Hugette: Well it seems like the media these days tries to sell perfection at every chance possible in order to create an ever-growing consumerist culture always needing more. Unfortunately sometimes in effort to sell a product the images express this unrealistic sense of beauty, love, sexuality, spirituality and success. With that said, our mission, vision and heart is to restore the mindset of the modern woman. It’s getting back to our roots, our natural beauty, our core values, our intrinsic worth and our right to make educated and conscious decisions.
SSC: With your job you have been lucky enough to travel to some beautiful locations and meet the most inspiring people. What place/person/ or experience has been one of your biggest highlights up until now?
Hugette: Honestly, in spite of all the beautiful places I’ve visited, my favorite places are our two main homes, Hawaii and Costa Rica! But, one of the most incredibly transparent, humble, internally beautiful people I’ve ever had the opportunity to know is Carmen Electra! She’s deep, intelligent, kind, caring and hungry for spiritual growth!
SSC: How have you found yourself being able to balance the day-to-day requirements with also living life to the fullest? What advice do you have for others trying to find this balance in life?
Hugette: Balance is EVERYTHING! I try to include beautiful, exciting and fun things I can look forward to every single day. Rest, relaxation and what I call “tank fillers” are essential to remaining creative, inspired, motivated and joyful. I’ve experienced burnout in the past and it’s not pretty! LOL! Too many people are in a HUGE rush to get somewhere in life, but I’ve discovered the journey IS the destination! If we are not happy WHILE, we won’t be happy WHEN! 😉
SCC: What is the best advice you have ever been given? From who, and how have these words helped you over the years?
Hugette: Well my mother and my pastor are my little Yodas… They are bundles of wisdom that constantly pour into me. One of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever received is “don’t be easily offended.” The world will throw all kinds of things your way, but it’s your rapid ability to bounce those things right off your soul that will allow you to move further and lighter.
SSC: What can we expect to see for the future of Disfunkshion Magazine, and what hopes do you have for yourself in life?
Hugette: We are working on several projects at the moment such as the full development of the life coaching program, the translation of the magazine into Spanish (my native language), a book project and a grant/scholarship that we will offer young women in need (educational, health, etc.).
As far as my personal life, I feel happier than ever. I am truly so satisfied with where I am and enjoying every single moment, opportunity, adventure, project and just overall journey. I am married to the most incredible, kind, supportive, sexy, encouraging man in the world who is truly my best friend, teammate, partner, and soul mate. We conjointly enjoy life to the fullest and cherish our time together as a treasured non-negotiable.
In the near future we are thinking about some baby cubs, but I am not quite there yet! Hehe! I love babies and children overall as they are the purest representation of love, but there are certain things I want to accomplish for the world before I can offer the world itself to my offspring! I’d like to be a living example to my babes of what it means to find your true north and follow it regardless of life’s caution road signs, as I know that will set the tone for the freedom they too shall experience when making purposeful life decisions!
Follow Hugette & Disfunkshion Magazine:

Bec Van Leeuwen is a truth-seeker, devoted wife and mother, a globe-trotter, a nature lover and a human potential activist. Her mission is to support and inspire awakening women who are on a quest to create real and lasting change in their lives, their communities and the world.